Kia Ora.
You are welcome here.
Spiritual Growth Ministries (SGM) invites you to discover and experience the refreshing stream of contemplative Christian spirituality in Aotearoa, New Zealand. We are a network of people from diverse denominations who value contemplative prayer and practices as a precious taonga; a treasure at the heart of our faith.
We have been training spiritual directors for nearly 40 years through our Spiritual Directors Formation Programme.
Invitations to go deeper on your spiritual journey.
Become a Spiritual Director
Become a spiritual director by participating in our two-year, part-time Spiritual Directors Formation Programme.
Retreat Calendar 2025
Discover silent retreats, quiet days, online retreats and professional development events around Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Find a Spiritual Director
Ready to explore the nourishing practicenof spiritual direction? Learn more about this unique ministry and how it can support your spiritual growth
Read Refresh
Refresh is Spiritual Growth Ministries' journal of contemplative spirituality, grounded in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Grounded in Aotearoa
Honouring our bi-cultural roots.
Our Spiritual Growth Ministries kaupapa is to nourish deepening encounters with the Spirit of God, Io Matua te kore. We are rooted in Christ, grounded in Aotearoa and attuned to a diversity of voices.
We recognise Te Tiriti o Waitangi as a sacred covenant and the basis of our nationhood. We seek to honour this by being engaged treaty partners and growing in the grace and knowledge to live that out.
Our prayer is that rooted in Christ, in this whenua, and honouring the bi-cultural roots of our nationhood, SGM will be like a healthy tree whose contemplative ministry flourishes in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Discover our treasure trove of research papers on spiritual direction.
Enrich your practice.
Song to the Holy Spirit
Lord, Holy Spirit,
You blow like the wind in a thousand paddocks,
Inside and outside the fences,
You blow where you wish to blow.
Lord, Holy Spirit,
You are the sun who shines on the little plant,
You warm him gently, you give him life,
You raise him up to become a tree with many leaves.
Lord, Holy Spirit
You are the kind fire who does not cease to burn,
Consuming us with flames of love and peace,
Driving us out like sparks to set the world on fire.
Excerpts from ‘Song to the Holy Spirit’ by James K Baxter
In Collected Poems (ed. John Edward Weir; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979), 572.