He mātauranga o ngā wairua

Browse our treasure trove of research on spiritual direction.
Enrich your practice.

Each participant in the second year of the Spiritual Growth Ministries Spiritual Directors Formation Programme engages in a research project on an aspect of the work of spiritual direction in which they have a particular interest. A selection of these Special Interest Papers are published on this website.

This collection offers a rich resource for spiritual directors and people interested in contemplative spirituality.

New papers are listed first, followed by links to projects organised by themes. Scroll further down to see a complete list of available papers.

Enter key words to find papers on specific topics.

David Crawley, SDFP Assistant Co-ordinator


New Papers on Spiritual Direction (2024/2025)

New category: In light of the growing number of Formation Programme participants from Asia, we have added a new category - Spiritual Direction in Asian Contexts. Follow the category link below to see the papers that begin this collection.

An Exploration of Sexual Desire as a Signpost to Our Hidden Desire for God and How Spiritual Direction Can Help Uncover and Explore This - Marcel Vickers

Discernment in the Spiritual Direction of the Desert Tradition - Tracey Hunt

Experiences of participants who have recently completed the Spiritual Growth Ministries Spiritual Directors Formation Programme - Becs Jamieson

The Gift of Dreams - Tay-Marie Yorston

The Place of Spiritual Direction in a Local Chinese Church in Singapore - Liaw Chin Chen

The Role of Shadow Work in Spiritual Direction - Alan Stanley

Using Julian of Norwich - 14th C Mystic - in Spiritual Direction - Caroline Talbot


Spiritual Direction Papers | By Category


Full Collection of Papers on Spiritual Direction

Arranged in alphabetical order, according to title.