Refresh Reader Survey Insights
Insights from the Refresh Reader Survey
Thank you for having your say.
A big thank you to everyone who participated in our Refresh Reader Survey in July this year. The purpose of the survey was to contemplatively listen to our readers as we seek to discern the future direction for Refresh.
What did the survey tell us about Refresh readers?
The clearest insight to emerge from the survey is that Refresh is currently serving the older members of the SGM community, and serving them well. There were a huge amount of positive, heart-felt comments about the value that Refresh offers to readers as a source of inspiration, nourishment, and a sense of belonging to a contemplative community.
The survey results show that:
93% of readers are 50yrs+
74% are 60 yrs+
43% of readers are 70yrs+
Another way of saying this is that less than 7% of Refresh readers are 40yrs or younger. These numbers give us a sense of gratitude and care for the faithful core of contemplative pioneers and practitioners in our SGM community and an impetus towards evolution so that Refresh might connect with the next generations of contemplatives and spiritual seekers in our country.
Print vs Digital. What did our readers say?
A key question we were asking ourselves as SGM Workgroup was: Should we continue to produce Refresh as a print publication given the rising costs of production and postage? How would people feel if it was available only online?
Well, the people spoke loud and clear! While many people recognised the cost challenges, and spoke of the environmental benefits of a digital version, 72% of readers said they would prefer Refresh to continue as a print publication. Of these, 44% strongly preferred Refresh to remain in print.
The reasons for this preference fell into some key themes:
A print version is a physical resource that can be shared with others.
A desire to receive spiritual nourishment away from phones and computer screens.
A sense that print is a contemplative medium that enhances contemplative reading and practice.
A preference for savouring images and photographs in print form.
Some representative comments that express how much people value Refresh in print are:
“I would be very disappointed to lose Refresh in print. It may save but I would be prepared to pay for the hard copy. The photos, covers, having something in your hand to pick up and put down, take with you other places, pass on to others, is for me - VITAL!”
“I would really, really miss being able to sit and hold a printed page without the aid of technology. A hard copy helps me linger longer and somehow be more still and quiet. To me, it would be almost similar to looking at an image of the New Zealand bush compared to walking in it!”
If you value Refresh as a print publication, would you consider making an annual donation?
Recent analysis shows that 12% of people who receive Refresh make a regular donation to SGM. If we could grow this percentage is would make a huge difference to the SGM budget and the ongoing sustainability of Refresh as a print publication.
We are very grateful to this faithful group of people who sustain Refresh financially, and sustain the community of readers it serves in the process. Please accept our deep gratitude and appreciation.
If you would like to add your support, we invite you consider making an annual donation of $30-$50.
Donations can be made by visiting www.sgm.org.nz/donate or via online banking. (Spiritual Growth Ministries 03-0166-0198782-00. Add your name and town in reference line, and Refresh in particulars.)
Other Themes
A Wider Diversity of Voices
Other themes that came through from reader responses were a desire for a wider diversity of voices amongst contributors, including hearing from younger writers and weaving voices and perspectives from the multi-cultural threads that together weave the fabric of society in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Could you be one of these new voices?
If you’ve never contributed to Refresh before, perhaps it’s time! Keep awake to any nudgings or God-promptings as we attune our hearts to a diversity of voices as contemplative people in our land.
Most Desired Content
Alongside the well-established content features of contemplative poetry, essays and book reviews, readers were also keen to see a contemplative prayer practice feature regularly, along with an emerging voice of trend in spiritual direction.
The seven most popular regular content features people voted to see in Refresh are:
A contemplative prayer practice to explore.
Essay: a contemplative perspective on a contemporary issue
Contemplative Book Corner: highlighting noteworthy books on spiritual direction and contemplative spirituality.
Contemplative poetry
Kete of Knowledge: weaving voices and perspectives from Aotearoa’s multi-cultural threads.
An emerging voice or trend within spiritual direction
Theological reflection on contemplative spirituality.
While Refresh remains primarily a journal of contemplative spirituality, given that over 50% of our readers are spiritual directors (or in formation) we do intend to make space for content related to spiritual direction.
Theme for Next Issue
Kathryn Overall-Cass will be overseeing the July 2024 issue of Refresh as part of her expanded role as Kaitiaki of Communications for SGM.
The theme is Matariki and inspiration and submission guidelines are available now on the website and in the current issue of Refresh.
Please note that the submission date is earlier than usual at Feb 16th, 2024
Want to be kept in the loop about the future direction of Refresh? Please subscribe to the SGM e-newsletter. You can subscribe via the footer of this website page or by emailing SGM Administrator, Jenna Edgar: admin@sgm.org.nz.