Spiritual Direction and the Body/Sexuality
Special interest projects relating to:
Spiritual Direction and the Body/Sexuality
Each participant in the second year of the Spiritual Growth Ministries Spiritual Directors Formation Programme engages in a project on an aspect the work of spiritual direction in which they have a particular interest.
The following papers explore spiritual direction in relation to embodiment and sexuality.
An Exploration of Sexual Desire as a Signpost to Our Hidden Desire for God and How Spiritual Direction Can Help Uncover and Explore This - Marcel Vickers
An Introduction to Focusing by Lynne Brown
A Torch and A Thermos (an allegory): Spiritual speleologist Anam Cara goes in search of a more woman-inclusive God by Megan Blakie
Body Awareness - Allowing Our Bodies To Lead Us In Prayer by Emma Alldridge
Chronic Pain - An Invitation to Spiritual Growth by Sylvia Richardson
Cycling and Spiritual Experience by Andrew Saunders
A Shared Table: Food and Spiritual Direction by Aluminé Andrew
Nourishing the Soul in Burnout by Maureen Harley
Sexual Addiction and Spiritual Direction (with later Addendum) by Andrew Connolly
Spiritual Direction with the Aging by Doreen Riddell
Spiritual Directors and Self-Care by Hannah Rowan
Spirituality and Residential Aged Care: With a Special Focus on Dementia by Sheryl James
Spiritually Directing LGBTIQA+ People of Faith by Amanda Pilbrow
Temple or Temporal? The Spirituality of the Body by Nita Hill (with separate Appendices)
The Spiritual Care of the Frail & Elderly with Alzheimer's Disease by Ngaire Beehre
Whisperings of Intimacy by Jo Anastadiadis