Spiritual Direction and Church Life/Ministry
Special interest projects relating to:
Spiritual Direction and Church Life/Ministry
Each participant in the second year of the Spiritual Growth Ministries Spiritual Directors Formation Programme engages in a project on an aspect the work of spiritual direction in which they have a particular interest.
The following papers explore the relationship of spiritual direction to life and ministry in the Church:
Becoming a Directee by Lisette Cautley
Buried Seed: Spiritual Direction and the Vineyard Movement by Fran Francis
Contemplative Prayer Life and Belonging in Church by Margaret Dewse
Experiences of participants who have recently completed the Spiritual Growth Ministries Spiritual Directors Formation Programme - Becs Jamieson
Resistance in Pastors to Spiritual Direction by Jane Wilkinson
Sacred Hospitality: Creating a Sacred Space for Those Outside the Church by Liz Maluschnig
Spiritual Abuse by Jeannie Cochrane
Spiritual Direction as a Model for Pastoral Ministry by Brian Hamilton
Spiritual Direction for Those in Ordained Ministries by Murray Mills (with Appendix to download separately)
Spiritual Direction, the Kingdom and the Emerging Church by Bruce Warwick
Story, Wondering and Play: Encouraging spiritual growth with all ages by Cheryl Harray
The Challenge and the Grace of Spiritual Direction in Ordained Ministry by Lynda Wards
The Ministry of Spiritual Direction - An Interface between Church & Society by Derek Shore
The Place of Spiritual Direction in a Local Chinese Church in Singapore - Liaw Chin Chen