Spiritual Direction and Life Challenges/Stages
Special Interest Projects relating to:
Spiritual Direction and Life Challenges/Stages
Each participant in the second year of the Spiritual Growth Ministries Spiritual Directors Formation Programme engages in a project on an aspect the work of spiritual direction in which they have a particular interest.
The following papers explore particular life challenges and the place of spiritual direction in relation to these:
Becoming a Directee by Lisette Cautley
Busy Working Women and Spiritual Direction by Tracy Morgan
Change - A Pamphlet Taster by Trish Harris
Chronic Pain - An Invitation to Spiritual Growth by Sylvia Richardson
Dark Night and Depression by Michael Watson (with associated document to download separately)
Dwelling in the Saturday Tomb by Heather Simpson
Grief by Susan Chrisp
Healing Dysfunctional Images of God by Gay Cochran
Integrating the Active and the Contemplative in the Marketplace: A Glimpse of the Weaving of a Seamless Garment by Lois Bellingham
Issues Facing Returning Missionaries and How Spiritual Direction Can Help by Alison Palmer
Meeting the Spiritual Needs of those with Dementia in Residential Care by Heather Lofthouse
Metaphors of "Dark Night" in the Writing of Philip Yancey by Geoffrey Skilton
Missionaries in Isolated Places and Spiritual Direction by Joan Gore
Moving Towards Nonviolence and Peacemaking - The Spiritual Journey by Sharon Corrigan
Nourishing the Soul in Burnout by Maureen Harley
Offering Spiritual Direction to Extraverts by Shirley Wilson
Orientation, Disorientation, New Orientation (Brueggemann) by Don Scott
Post-Church Australian spirituality, Crossfit, and the place of Spiritual Direction by Cassie Love
Post-Evangelicalism and Spiritual Direction by Nola Myles
Prayerfully Exploring Childhood Memories in Spiritual Direction by Jim McInnes
Resistance in Pastors to Spiritual Direction by Jane Wilkinson
Sexual Addiction and Spiritual Direction (with later Addendum) by Andrew Connolly
Spiritual Abuse by Jeannie Cochrane
Spiritual Direction for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Directees by Linda Piggott
Spiritual Direction and Gay Christians by Ron Larsen
Spiritual Direction and the Highly Sensitive Person by Judith Lorimer
Spiritual Direction by Email for Missionaries in Isolated Places: An Initial Exploration by Margaret Tooley
Spiritual Direction Through Faith Stages & Cross-Cultural Transitions by Adrienne Thompson
Spiritual Direction with Adopted People by Helen Tripp
Spiritual Direction with the Aging by Doreen Riddell
Spiritual Directors and Self-Care by Hannah Rowan
Spirituality and Residential Aged Care: With a Special Focus on Dementia by Sheryl James
Spiritually Directing LGBTIQA+ People of Faith by Amanda Pilbrow
Story, Wondering and Play: Encouraging spiritual growth with all ages by Cheryl Harray
The Dark Night of the Soul by Ron Lang
The Emerging Recognition of Shadow by Marg Shearing
The Gifts and Challenges of Spiritual Direction with People with Learning Difficulties by Laura Buist
The Impact of Relationship with Human Fathers on Relationship with Heavenly Father by Mike Enright
The Mid-Life Journey by Jackie Yap
The Place and Nature of Spiritual Direction For Generation X by Di Woods (with Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to be downloaded separately)
The Spiritual Care of the Frail & Elderly with Alzheimer's Disease by Ngaire Beehre
Using Julian of Norwich - 14th C Mystic - in Spiritual Direction by Caroline Talbot
Youth and Contemplative Spirituality by Leonie Moxon