Spiritual Growth Ministries seek to shine a light on contemplative spirituality, spiritual formation and spiritual direction in Aotearoa, New Zealand. We publish interviews on the SGM Blog to share the experiences and perspectives of spiritual directors and people seeking to live from a contemplative posture in the midst of their vocations and everyday lives. We hope these reflections inspire and refresh you on your journey.

Kathryn Overall Kathryn Overall

Alice Wood - Creative Processes in Spiritual Direction

Alice Wood is a spiritual director, university chaplain and retreat facilitator with a particular gift for facilitating creative processes in a contemplative way. In this blogpost, Kathryn Overall interviews Alice about her experiences of the gifts of creative processes, both personally and in her practice as a spiritual director.

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Kathryn Overall Kathryn Overall

Retreat at Greenhaugh Gardens | A Poem by Phoebe Mackay

To celebrate the release of the 2023 SGM Retreat Calendar, Kathryn Overall invited Phoebe Mackay to share this poem written on retreat and to reflect on the value that contemplative retreats have offered in nourishing her spiritual life.

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Kathryn Overall Kathryn Overall

Rachel Kitchens | The value of spiritual direction for people in their 20’s & 30’s.

Rachel Kitchens is a spiritual director, retreat facilitator and workshop facilitator for the SGM Spiritual Directors Formation Programme. In this blog post, Kathryn Overall has a conversation with Rachel about the convictions she holds about the power of spiritual direction and what she notices in her own practice about the spiritual needs of people in their 20’s and 30’s.

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Kathryn Overall Kathryn Overall

Jim McInnes | Ministry Sabbatical, Mid-Life Transition and Becoming a Spiritual Director

Jim McInnes is a church leader, lecturer and a spiritual director with a particular interest in accompanying people in vocational Christian ministry. In this blogpost, Kathryn Overall has a conversation with Jim about his formation as a spiritual director during a ministry sabbatical and the gifts that are emerging on the other side of the deep soul-work of a mid-life transition.

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Kathryn Overall Kathryn Overall

Vic Francis | A Vineyard Pastor’s Perspective on Spiritual Direction

Vic Francis is pastor of Shore Vineyard Church and a spiritual director. He has a particular interest in offering spiritual direction to pastors, and after 30 years in ministry has an inside understanding of the needs and challenges facing church leaders in post-COVID Aoteaora, New Zealand.

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Kathryn Overall Kathryn Overall

Holly Walton | Re-Reading my Journals for my 50th Birthday

When Holly Walton turned 50, her planned party celebrations had to be cancelled thanks to COVID. After receiving beautiful letters from loved ones near and far, she wondered “What would God’s letter to me have said?” In the quiet of lock-down, she re-read a life-time’s worth of journals to find out.

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Kathryn Overall Kathryn Overall

Josh Taylor - Becoming a Spiritual Director in my 30’s

Joshua Taylor is an Anglican Priest from the Diocese of Christchurch. Currently he is based at St John's in Auckland working on his PhD in theology. In this blog-post, Kathryn Overall interviews him about his formation experience and the value of spiritual direction for people in their 20’s and 30’s.

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Kathryn Overall Kathryn Overall

Calm to Connected

Mike Coleman offers a personal and evocative account of recovering from burnout, one breath at a time.

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Kathryn Overall Kathryn Overall

Invitations to Depthing

Andrew Dunn writes from Oasis Retreat Centre about nurturing our contemplative faculties and the mysticism of St Paul inviting us into deeper union with Christ.

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