Spiritual Growth Ministries seek to shine a light on contemplative spirituality, spiritual formation and spiritual direction in Aotearoa, New Zealand. We publish interviews on the SGM Blog to share the experiences and perspectives of spiritual directors and people seeking to live from a contemplative posture in the midst of their vocations and everyday lives. We hope these reflections inspire and refresh you on your journey.

Kathryn Overall Kathryn Overall

Jules Badger | Author of “When the Lights Go Out” Shares her Spiritual Direction and Mental Health Journey

Jules Badger is a spiritual director and maturing extrovert who discovered the gifts of the contemplative tradition in mid-life following a period of clinical depression. In this blogpost, Kathryn Overall-Cass has a conversation with Jules about the book she co-wrote with her husband, Mat, ‘When the Lights Go Out’ and what wisdom she can offer the spiritual direction community in Aotearoa about companioning those with mental health challenges.

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Kathryn Overall Kathryn Overall

Irene Maxwell-Curnock | My 30 Year Journey with Interactive Drawing Therapy (IDT)

Irene Maxwell-Curnock is a retired spiritual director, counsellor and marriage celebrant, based in Tauranga, New Zealand. She discovered Interactive Drawing Therapy in the 1980’s and trained with it’s creator, Russell WIthers. In this blog post, Katrina Tulip has a conversation with Irene about IDT and how it has shaped her practice as a contemplative, counsellor and spiritual director over many decades.

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Kathryn Overall Kathryn Overall

Jenna Edgar | Meet the new SGM Administrator! (+ she’s the inspiration behind the new SDFP Alumni Partnership Fund)

Jenna Edgar is a freshly-minted spiritual director and the new Spiritual Growth Ministries Administrator. We are blessed by Jenna’s grace, bubbly personality and her extraordinary administrative skills. In this blog-post, Kathryn Overall-Cass has a conversation with Jenna about her new role and why she and her husband, Zach are seeding the first donation into the newly formed SDFP Alumni Partnership Fund.

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Kathryn Overall Kathryn Overall

prayer (xi) a poem by Jonathan Chan

Jonathan Chan is a writer and editor. Born in New York to a Malaysian father and South Korean mother, he was raised in Singapore and educated at Cambridge and Yale Universities. He is the author of the poetry collection going home (Landmark, 2022) and Managing Editor of poetry.sg. His poetry and essays have appeared in Ekstasis, Fathom, Inheritance, The Yale Logos, Poems for Ephesians, and the Ethos Institute for Public Christianity. More of his writing can be found at jonbcy.wordpress.com.

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Kathryn Overall Kathryn Overall

Adrienne Thompson - Weaving as Contemplative Practice

Adrienne Thompson lives with her husband and flatmates by the Waipāhīhī stream in Karori, so spiritual direction and supervision sessions are punctuated by music from kākā, riroriro, and tūī. In this blogpost she shares her experience of learning to weave as a contemplative practice.

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David Crawley David Crawley

Sam Harvey | Practising the Way + a new wave of contemplative pastors.

Sam Harvey is the lead pastor at Bay Vineyard Church in Napier. In this blogpost, David Crawley has a conversation with Sam about his passion for spiritual formation being at the centre of church life, attending the Practising the Way conference in Portland and his message of encouragement and challenge to Spiritual Growth Ministries.

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Kenneth Fleck | Deconstruction as an Act of Love. Insights for Spiritual Directors.

Kenneth Fleck is a Dunedin-based spiritual director with a particular interest in companioning people who are deconstructing their faith, or on a spiritual journey outside of traditional faith structures. In this blogpost, Kathryn Overall has a conversation with Kenneth about his personal experience of deconstruction as “an act of love” and his insights for spiritual directors who are accompanying people on similar journeys.

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Kathryn Overall Kathryn Overall

Amanda Pilbrow | Spiritually directing LGBTIQA+ people of faith 

Amanda Pilbrow is a spiritual director, an LGBTIQA+ ally and speaker. She is the founder of www.alreadyenough.co.nz, a website to resource LGBTIQA+ people of faith, (and those who walk beside them). In this blog post, Kathryn Cass has a conversation with Amanda about her research paper ‘Spiritually Directing LGBTIQA+ People of Faith’ and the personal journey that lies behind it.

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Kathryn Overall Kathryn Overall

Strahan Coleman | On new book ‘Beholding’, partnership with ‘Practising the Way’ and contemplative currents in Aotearoa, New Zealand

Strahan Coleman is a spiritual director, musician and writer who creates his Commoners Communion offerings from a beach-side cabin in Tairua, before returning home to the noisy chaos of family life with his wife Katie and three growing boys. In this blogpost, Kathryn Overall has a conversation with Strahan about his new book ‘Beholding, his partnership with Practising the Way and his sense of the contemplative currents flowing throughout Aoteara, New Zealand.

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Kathryn Overall Kathryn Overall

Rachel Kitchens | Contemplative chaos and the art of becoming a spiritual director while raising a family.

Rachel Kitchens is a spiritual director, retreat facilitator, and workshop facilitator for the SGM Spiritual Directors Formation Programme. She is married to Andrew Shamey and is mother to three children. In this blog post, Kathryn Overall has a conversation with Rachel about how her contemplative journey collided with the realities of parenting young children, and how she rested in and journeyed creatively with God during those all-consuming years.

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